Green Chemistry

Live and Online
Postgraduate Summer School

7th – 11th of July 2025
Venice, Italy

Disseminate good, advanced and basic chemical sciences and scientific know-how for students’ future professional careers.



Onsite paying students

The deadline for applications for onsite, paying students is April 30th 2025. Registration fee: 850€ VAT included; this includes full week classes, accommodation in Venice nights of the 7-8-9-10 of July 2025, breakfasts, coffee breaks, lunches, and social event.

Registration fee payments

The deadline for registration fee payments should be made by May 15th 2025.

Abstract and poster

The deadline for the submission of both the abstract and poster is June 15th 2025.

Developing countries’ students

The deadline for scholarship applications for participation free of charge of postgraduate students from developing countries is February 20th 2025. Applicants admitted to the grant will be directly informed via e-mail by the 4th of March 2025.
N. of scholarships available: 15 (5 Scholarships: On-site. 10 Scholarships: Online)

General information

The School is open to postgraduate students and postdoctoral researchers from all over the world. Master degree students can also be admitted after the evaluation of the Organizing Committee.

The official language of the Conference is English.

Chairman’s message

Dear Colleagues,

It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to the 17th Green Chemistry Postgraduate Summer School (GCSS 2025).

Following the remarkable success of last year’s edition, we are proud to continue this prestigious tradition of fostering international collaboration and advancing education in Green Chemistry. The dedication and enthusiasm of participants, lecturers, and sponsors have truly cemented this event as a cornerstone for sustainable development in the scientific community.

In this view, together with the board of the Green Science for Sustainable Development Foundation, we are committed to building upon the achievements of previous editions and furthering the legacy of this highly appreciated international summer school.

The GCSS 2025 will encompass the following main topics:

  • Benign synthesis routes
  • Green catalysis
  • Alternative solvents
  • Renewable and green raw materials
  • Green chemistry for energy
  • Clean processes
  • Green Chemistry education
  • Sustainable Polymers

We aim to align this Summer School with the successful outcomes of past editions by inviting:

  • Outstanding teachers
  • Major chemical industries
  • Top-level students

Thanks to the generous participation of our sponsors, selected outstanding postgraduate students from developing countries will be awarded scholarships to attend the Summer School virtually. The scholarship will include a fee waiver either for on-site or online participation.

In this Summer School, postgraduate students will also have the opportunity to present their research during either the virtual or in-person Poster Sessions of the Summer School. The best three posters will be selected and awarded by our sponsors during an award ceremony.

The Summer School will provide an excellent platform for postgraduate students from different countries to interact with well-known scientists and educators in the field of Green Chemistry, to exchange ideas with their peers, to create research networks, and to develop friendships at an international level.

I invite all students to actively participate with their suggestions and ideas during the Summer School, with the hope that closer connections are established also for the future.

We look forward to seeing you all online or in person in Venice.

Prof. Francesco Trotta
Chairman, President of the Green Sciences for Sustainable Development Foundation

17th Green Chemistry
Postgraduate Summer School

Sustainable Development through Green Chemistry

Illustration with Venice Bridge
Green Chemistry might be seen as the field in Chemistry which directly responds to the appeal of humankind. Green Chemistry is a future-oriented approach to reconcile and foster the research in the chemical sciences with society and its needs. So, we necessitate as many as possible new and surprising proposals coming from pure and applied research, in order to have the possibility to select the best solution.

Photo of Pietro Tundo

Pietro Tundo

Founder of the Green Chemistry Summer School

Green Chemistry Summer School Board

Francesco Trotta

Chairman, President of the Green Sciences for Sustainable Development Foundation and Full Professor Industrial Chemistry-University of Turin (IT)

Fabio Aricò

Full Professor of Organic Chemistry at the Department of Environmental Sciences and Informatics, Ca’ Foscari University, Italy.

Aurelia Visa

Senior Researcher, Romanian Academy, “Coriolan Dragulescu” Institute of Chemistry, Timisoara, Romania

Mirabbos Hojamberdiev

Associate Professor, Mads Clausen Institute, University of Southern Denmark, Sønderborg, Denmark

Graziana Gigliuto

Secretary of Green Sciences for Sustainable Development Foundation, Venice, Italy

Green chemistry summer school 2024

Organized by

Logo Green Sciences

Endorsed by

Logo Università Cà Foscari
Logo Università Torino
Logo University of<br />Southern Denmark
Logo Academia Romana Coriolan Dragulescu